We offer 6 different Construction Stones as well as Bar Sand.
2A Construction Stone is a graded mixture of finer and larger stone which gives the material excellent compaction. It is generally used as a packing stone beneath driveways, walkways, and patios
2B Construction Stone is a clean crushed stone with an average size of 3/4" that is typically used for drainage work and driveways when trying to bridge over wet soil areas.
#3 Construction Stone is an aggregate commonly used for septic systems and driveway bases.
1B Construction Stone is a clean crushed stone with an average size of 1/2" and is best used for French Drain Work, especially when back filling around perforated pipe.
Screenings are the finer fraction of stone products and normally contain particles 0.15-0.19 inches or smaller, which are typically used for highway construction due to their uniform grading and crushed faces.
Millings are long-lasting, eco-friendly, and a cost-effective solution ideal for residential construction. Millings are a cross between gravel and asphalt surfaces - with proper moisture and compaction, they bond well enough to create a semi permanent driveway surface that sticks in place and reduces dust and dirt.
Bar Sand is a washed, yellow-beige-colored material with a fine consistency.